What Don’t I Do’s One Year Anniversary, and a Poll!

It is so hard for me to believe that it’s been almost a year since I started this blog! I am immensely grateful to you, beautiful soul, for joining me on my journey. I have a few special thanks yous I want to mention, because without their support, I would not have started this blog.

First, the most obvious, and if I am unwilling to proclaim it, then what am I doing? Yes, I am a Christian. I thank God the Father, Jesus Christ his begotten son, and the Holy Spirit for my very existence, and for the mercy shown to me. Amen!

Second, the amazing support, knowledge, and friendships I have from Tom Wood’s School of Life. Best money I have ever spent! I could set-up an affiliate link and earn a bit if you join, but I didn’t. If you are entrepreneurial, liberty loving, Libertarian, Anarchist, or Voluntaryist leaning, this is the place for you. The opportunities for learning, support, accountability, and friendship are enormous. I believe so strongly that if any of the above applies to you, you’ll find value in the membership – I don’t even want a kickback, I just want you to have the opportunity to improve.

Third, two amazing coaches I met in the ‘School of Life’. I am not the type of person who likes to be nagged at or have some attempt to manipulate my emotions. Neither of these people did that. They helped me in ways I didn’t even realize I could be helped, or that I even needed. Again, I make no money from a referral. I truly believe in them, they are the real deal.

Up first is Act Like Barbara. Barbara is my facilitator within the ‘School of Life’. I benefit from her guidance every week. I am always in awe of her skills as a coach. She is great at connecting you to exactly what you need in order to achieve your goals. If you have a goal, and need some guidance to get there, I highly recommend working with a coach. It is not just for the super-successful.(How do you think they got there in the first place?) I think Barbara is one of the best. I can’t thank her enough!

Next is Mountain Peak Coaching. Man, where to begin? I told Carl once that he sucked in the best way possible. He has a way of finding the heart of the issue and bringing it to light. And since most issues stem from ourselves, it can be such a enlightening moment. I felt truly heard and seen when talking with Carl. I think he is the perfect coach for the deep, gritty, meaningful work we all need to do. I can’t properly express the deep gratitude I feel for his help.

Last, but not least by any means, I am thankful and grateful for my family and friends. The love and support they give me drives me to become the best version of myself that I can. I love you all! I am also grateful for all the things and people, that I dislike. Without them, I would not have any reason to do things myself, or try to help others do the same. Thanks for well… sucking!

Now For The Poll

Again, I am incredibly grateful you are here! It is a dream to be able to share some of my knowledge with you! I want to know what would you like to see on the blog in the next year? Is there a particular topic you want me to cover? I am going to give you a list of options of things that I feel pretty confident in and a few ideas I have. Reach out in the comments if you have an idea not listed. Now, I may not be able to do it, or willing, but I will appreciate and consider a reasonable request.

Choose several

Thank you for taking time to fill out the poll. Please reach out in the comments with any requests or ideas. If you haven’t yet, consider subscribing and get in on the subscriber only specials.

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