It’s Now the Autumn of the Year

Time for a little check-in and update!

I see the changing of the seasons all around me. The sun comes up a little later, the early morning air is chilly and crisp. The leaves on the trees are not as brightly green as they were in Summer, some are even losing their green hues in favor of yellows and reds. Even my houseplants lean a little more towards the windows, trying to get as many hours of the lessening light as they can. Nightfall happens earlier, and soon it will be dark far too early in the day for my liking.

I’ve been busy with homeschooling and garden chores. I’ve been fermenting, canning, pickling, and making herbal remedies in preparation for Winter. (Don’t worry, I will have plenty of posts for you about all of it!) I am trying to build new routines for home keeping, something I am never good at! (Routines or home keeping, that is.) I am mentally preparing myself to support my family as the temperatures drop and the daylight hours shrink. While we don’t live in an extreme place like Alaska, the shift in season still takes a toll on us. Part of my role as wife, mother, and home keeper, is helping my family stay healthy, mentally and physically, throughout the year. And, yes, that does involve taking care of my own health as well.

I could continue writing about myself for pages. Obviously, that is why you all are here, to read pages of me talking about myself! I kid, well mostly…

So, how are you doing? Do you enjoy Autumn or loathe it? What are the things you do to prepare for the colder seasons? Do you have routines or traditions that you do without fail? I’d love for you to share them!

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