Here’s What I’m Reading and Learning For Summer 2024

Quick Note: I don’t currently have any affiliate links to the products I am going to mention. I am not making money from them.

First of all, thank you to all that responded to last week’s poll! There is still some time left if you haven’t yet responded.

Based on feed back, you all would like to know what I am currently learning and reading. While I never really stop learning from the things I do, I have a few things I plan on trying to learn and some things I am reading over the summer. The two tend to overlap for me, which is why I combined them into one post. I am going to try to group things by category, so hopefully you can find the topics that interest you.


I used to sew a decent amount. Those Medieval costumes for the Society for Creative Anachronism didn’t sew themselves. I haven’t done anything in the SCA for decades. I also sewed Halloween and school costumes for my children. But I haven’t for a while now. Basically, my skills are rusty. I recently bought a ton of patterns from Hobby Lobby when they were clearing out their New Look pattern line. I am itching to make time to start sewing again, and I plan on teaching my youngest how to sew as well.

What am I currently learning? How to grade sewing patterns so they will fit better, and how to trace the patterns so I don’t have to cut them apart. I am watching a lot of you tube, but haven’t settled on a particular method yet, so I don’t have any good links for you. Once I make some decisions, I will share how it went with you.


I love that word!

I tried learning this craft a few years ago, but had to put it on the back burner for a while. I am not very good at this one, and I am starting over from the beginning, basically. I think it will be a fun one to take along on trips, or anytime I have to sit around and need something to do with my hands. It is also an ancient craft. If you couldn’t tell, I enjoy history and really enjoy re-creating it!

What is this mysterious, historical craft? It’s called many things. One of the most common English terms for it is ‘Needle Binding’. It is also called Nalbinding. I have seen it called ‘Nail Binding’ before, which is funny to picture. It is similiar to crochet, in that you are creating a piece of fabric or garment, but with a single needle, instead of a crochet hook. What I find cool about needle binding is your piece doesn’t unravel when it gets a hole, as it does with knitting and crochet. It also has roots in the Viking era, which is pretty cool as well.

My plan is to watch videos and go through the book I bought a few years back. Here’s an example of the needle used. I have one in bone and a few in wood. I will share how I am doing with nalbinding, if I can manage it. It is harder to start that it looks!

Table Top Role-Playing Games

I am a freedom loving nerd!

I want to level up my game mastering abilities. (Pun intended.) An area I am weak in is combat. I have mostly run games for teens just learning the ropes of playing RPGs, so setting up complex scenarios and battle sequences hasn’t been necessary for me. I would love to have my own gaming group one day, full of my friends. One way to ensure that happens is to be the game master. My skills currently aren’t going to cut it, so I grabbed a copy of this book. I hope to learn to think like a monster, and understand the basics of strategy and tactics. The author of the book also has a website.

Learning for Fun

There are two things I am going to work on mastering this summer, just for fun. Hand whistling, and blowing smoke rings. Absolutely silly, although I think the hand whistling will at least have some usefulness.

I want to learn to hand whistle because I have not been able to whistle normally since I got braces as a kid. Hand whistling is loud, and you can vary the pitch to make ‘notes’. Also, I will probably always have my hands on me, so it makes sense to learn.

I want to learn to blow smoke rings, so I feel like Gandalf and Bilbo from the Lord of the Rings. I don’t smoke often, when I do I prefer a pipe. Although I will enjoy a nice cigar occasionally. I like long, churchwarden style pipes. Here is a link to my current pipe. My plan is watch more videos and keep practicing.


I’ve been re-reading the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, with The Hobbit as well. I just started The Two Towers, and will probably finish it and The Return of The King before summer is over.

I developed a habit of reading the Bible every evening for the past several years. I have read three different ‘versions’ in their entirety and am currently working on my fourth. I find the differences in translation and phrasing interesting.

I’m sure I will add to my list of books as the summer continues. On my want to read list is The Narrow Road Between Desires by Patrick Rothfuss. A total guilty pleasure, I have enjoyed all the other books in the series.

I would like to get through my copy of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. I think starting with other Stoic Philosophers first has spoiled me a bit. Marcus Aurelius’s journals feel a bit lesser in thought to me. If you are looking for some solid Stoic works, check out Epictetus, (my personal favorite), or Seneca.

That’s A Wrap!

There you have it! My current list of things I want to work on and read for the summer. Of course every day presents itself with tons of opportunities for impromptu learning! I am certain I will share some of those experiences with you as they happen.

Now, it’s your turn. What things are you learning, reading, and doing for the summer? I’d love to know! Leave a comment below! And if you aren’t a subscriber yet, please consider subscribing to receive not only notifications when new posts go up, but access to subscriber only DIY specials.

I hope you all have a great summer! Thanks for being here!

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