De-Mystifying DIY (Part 4)


You’ve done the research, gathered your supplies, practiced, and reviewed your list of awesomeness. It’s time to make something great…..almost.

The Calm Before the Storm

If you are like me, you want to just jump in and get creating immediately! Sometimes that works out, and sometimes it doesn’t. What I have found works best, meaning more consistent results, is to take a little time to set myself up for success. Personally, I hate doing these steps, but I know their value, so I try to embrace them.

Mentally Prepared

This is really nothing more than a few questions to ask yourself. You need to be in the right headspace, the right mood, to get the most out of yourself, and your project. Here is a basic list of questions to run through:

  1. How am I feeling today?
  2. Do I have anything going on that might distract me from working on my project?
  3. Did I double check my supplies?
  4. Did I tell everyone that I am working on my project? (mostly for their safety, and your sanity)
  5. Are there any nagging feelings or questions that would keep me from starting?

Ultimately, you must decide if you are ready, or not. I have found that taking care of distractions, and any misgivings beforehand, results in my being able to focus and enjoy myself more. I have, and still do on occasion, forced my way through a project just to get it completed. I think we miss out on an opportunity to enjoy ourselves when we go that route. We can build a negative association, and bad habits as well. We like to think that we work best under pressure and last minute, but maybe, we haven’t really given being fully present a try. I have found it much more rewarding when I choose to give myself the opportunity to be fully present.

Set Up

Another step towards making your DIY experience rewarding and successful is to have everything ready before you begin. You should have a list of required tools and materials, and their quantities already from your research. Make sure you have it all gathered and measured before you begin. Make sure your place is clear and easy to move around as you need. Think about the steps you will be taking, and order your materials to be easy to access for each step. When I make soap, for example, I set out everything I will need, in the order I need to use them before I do anything else. Then I measure all my ingredients, and place them in the order I need them as well. I try to keep things set up in such a way that I won’t knock over one ingredient while trying to reach for another. Take time to consider your work flow and the space you have to work in. Most of us don’t have the ‘perfect’ workspace, but with a little thought, we can get pretty close.

And Now the Part You’ve All Been Waiting For…

Go make the thing! Enjoy the process! Enjoy the success! Embrace the failure! Grow like a precious little flower! Seriously though, what are you waiting for? Get going! And come back here after you’re done and let me know how it went in the comments.

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