Snap Shots of My Northern Colorado Suburban Garden

I am by no means an expert gardener. I have successes and failures, like everything else in life. There are seemingly endless way to do something wrong, while almost never finding one way to do things right. But I return to gardening year after year. I find it rewarding, even when I fail. There is such beauty in watching something grow, in learning its life-rhythm, in helping it along the way, and in the harvest. There is something healing in getting my hands dirty, the sweat of my brow, the heat of the sun, and the cool water from the hose. I feel connected to Creator and Creation, I feel at peace. I suppose I could call it ‘therapeutic’, but I don’t think that correctly captures my experience.

I want to share with you some pictures of my garden today. No how-tos, just pictures. I would love it if you did give growing something a try. Even just a tiny pot of flowers. I think you would find it rewarding, but I’ll save that for another time. For now, let’s look at things green and growing together.

The Vegetable Garden

My radishes bolted pretty early this year. Aren’t the flowers pretty?
One of my summer squash plants and ‘red’ green beans.
Zucchini! I always hope I get enough to share with my neighbors.
Tomatoes are coming in!
Cucumber flowers. I love how bright they are!
More tomatoes! These are a roma type tomato. I’ve never grown them before!
Cute little raspberry! I love the pale under-leaf!
Patty-pan squash! They are such a fun shape, and tasty!
Cayenne pepper. They are such a beautiful red when ripe!
I spy a cucumber! And some more tomatoes! These are going to turn yellow when ripe!
Jalapenos coming up!
These are called dragon tongue green beans. They can get really big! I love the purple spots!


I also like to plant flowers around my home. Not only are they beautiful to behold and fragrant, they attract pollinators to my vegetable garden!

My absolute favorite flowers! I look forward to their return every year!
More Petunias!

Purple Pincushion. YAY! Alliteration!
Gorgeous Geraniums!

Marigolds, a garden staple.
Dianthus…dianthuses? In the background are some columbines.
I don’t remember the name of this one, but the colors are amazing!
A gift from my youngest child. They make me so happy!
My patio. Things here are never perfect, but they don’t need to be. I love it all the same!

Thank you for joining me for a tour of my garden! I hope it brought a smile to your face. Bonus points if you feel inspired to grow something of your own! Let me know if you do!

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